Your Support Matters


Your donations help support a variety of programs and events that help spread the Foundation's mission to promote the National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism as a reminder that what happened to Japanese Americans during World War II will not happen to any other group, regardless of race, religion, or national origin. 


Make a gift in tribute to someone or an organization by listing them as the Honoree when you make a gift to the Foundation. A Tribute Note can be emailed or mailed to your Honoree, or other recipients, in recognition of your generous gift. You can choose to honor family, friends, colleagues, or organizations by making a donation to the Foundation.


NJAMF is a not-for-profit organization and qualifies for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to NJAMF are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.

Our EIN is 95-4255318. 

Matching Gifts: When making a donation to the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation, check with your employer to see if they make matching charitable contributions. 

How to Donate: You can donate online using ActBlue, or by sending a check payable to the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation at:

National Japanese American Memorial Foundation
4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW #106-236
Washington, DC 20016

Feel free to email us if you would like your donation to be in honor of someone: